The majority of homeowners are unaware that a ceiling which is poorly insulated provides next to no protection against having your heat flow right out of your home instead of keeping it inside. However, the federal government is aware of this and as such has begun to provide an Pro-fit insulation program to homeowners and renters who install improved ceiling Insulation in Gold Coast . This Pro-fit insulation can cover up to $1,600 of insulation costs. For most households, this is enough to cover the cost of having a professional install new and more efficient insulation at little or no cost. Sounds good, right? Of course, the problem is that money is a little short for many of us right now and it can be expensive to have a professional install your ceiling Insulation Gold Coast . However, the new Pro-fit insulation program is different since it makes things easy for citizens. Instead of having to pay the installer up front, you can simply go ahead and contact an ins...